All Works
Increasing employee portal engagement and adoption →
Created a unified multi-department digital workplace experience that included segmentation for multiple brands (Take2 and 2K).
Streamlining the benefits application for millions of UK Citizens →
User needs assessment, task analysis, and develop user profiles; identify key tasks for user research, competitive analysis
Sherpa – Improving Tour Operator Mobile App Experience →
Product Reserach & Design
Sherpa Marketing →
User Interface design & Copwriting
Kindness Compassion Community
Home Depot Technology Employment Branding →
Company Differentiation, Messaging, and Tools for Tech Professionals
University Relations →
Microsite Design
Home Depot Military Employment Marketing Microsite →
Video Series
Home Depot Careers→
User Experience Design
Grow Your Career Site(MyOrangeLeader) →
User Interface Design
Technology Microsite Design →
Microsite Campaign
National Hiring Event Displays →
Environmental Design
Celebrating the Personal Stories Behind the Orange Apron →
Video Series